All you have to do, is browse through some of the many items available in the shop, select the ones that you want and finalize your purchase to receive your items. The in-game item shop works in a very simple way, players can spend credits on new Rocket League items for their car, as well as cosmetic items for their account, such as avatar borders or player banners. How Does The Rocket League Item Shop Work? Whn you finish buying Rocket League credits, they get immediately added to your account and can be used for purchases and trading. Currently, players can buy 4 different credit bundles, with different prices depending on the size:

Players can buy Rocket League credits for real money from the store, where you can get entire bundles of credits. Since they can be traded, you don’t have to buy them to get things from the in-game store, although this is generally the quickest way of getting them. They are the in-game value of Rocket League and can be used for trading or in-store purchases. In order to purchase anything in the item shop, you first need to get your hands on Rocket League credits. When you finalize your purchase, the item gets added to your garage and can be used immediately in the next match. In the item shop, all you have to is just purchase the items you want with Rocket League credits. The Rocket League item shop is an easy way for players to get any RL items they want, without having to get lucky with drops or farm levels in the battle pass.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Rocket League item store. There is a much easier way to get Rocket League items, though. Some of them can be unlocked by simply playing the game and leveling the battle pass, while others can be opened from drops. There are countless different in-game items available to the players, which can be obtained in different ways. With these customization options, you can build your vehicle and change practically every aspect of your battle car. Players can choose from different wheels, toppers and even entire car bodies. Rocket League items come in many different shapes and forms, allowing players to modify virtually any aspect of their car.