#Icd 10 code for migraine with aura with status migrainosus manual#
Chronic migraine does not have a direct entry in ICD-10 manual index.It is very important to look for the words “aura”, intractable” and “status migrainous” in the medical record to assign the correct code.Coder should not decide the migraine is with or without aura as per the signs and symptoms documented in the chart.ICD 10 Code for migraine is found in chapter 6 of ICD-10 CM manual – diseases of nervous system, code range G00 – G99 An MRI or CT of brain is done if feels any complications or difficulty to diagnose. Physician can diagnose migraine based on history, signs and symptoms. Post-drome – Symptoms after migraine includes tiredness, weakness, muscle pain, feels refreshed or cranky.The type of pain can be throbbing at one side of the head associated with light sensitivity and nausea, vomiting. Attack – These are symptoms occurring during migraine.Symptoms include, black dots, flashes of light, hallucination, unable to speak clearly, weakness or numbness on face or one side of the body, difficulty in talking. Aura – These symptoms occur just before or during migraine.These symptoms may include fatigue, severe thirst, mood changes, constipation, neck stiffness and frequent yawning. Prodrome – This is a stage prior to migraine which shows few symptoms as warning sign of getting migraine.Knowing the stages is important in assigning a case specific ICD code. Migraine occurs in 4 stages (though not all stages in everyone) – Prodrome, aura, attack, post-drome. Sometimes severity of the pain can be very severe and can last for more than 2 days. It is characterized by throbbing pain usually one side of the head associated with nausea and/or vomiting and sensitivity to light. Migraine is very common and can affect children or adults. We will discuss here about the basic details of ICD 10 Code for migraine and guidelines along with examples. Headache is mainly divided into 4 types – migraine, tension type, hypnic and cluster. The type of headache can vary based on location, severity, frequency and cause. We all experience headache sometimes when not having enough sleep, more stress, along with any disease or due to unknown cause.